Not everything I visualise works and I am finding a kind of thrill in the unexpected rather then being horribly down on myself when it all goes wrong.
You see we have this beautiful table - a table I bought in Leiden - and I must preface, my poor suffering Graham had very little input - he hadn't even seen the apartment we
bought - as the market was
sooooo aggressive a decision had to be made
immediately. Luckily Graham trusts me!

As we had no
furniture, it was all in storage in
Australia, we had to furnish our beautiful new
apartment(we still miss that place 2 and half years later) . The
Apartment was about 400 years old and rather like a warehouse - I chose a round table that could fit up to 10 people.
Graham fell in love with the table - more then I ever did - but tables are funny things - I have
decided in some ways they are the most important piece of furniture in the house.
Pre children many a fine meal, wine and
raucous debate
occurred around that table. Christmases
celebrated, birthdays cheered and even tears have been shed
around the this table.
Songs have been sung around this table - laughter and joy are now in grained in its wood.
This table holds the memories of a family from its conception to its continuing growth. Post kids the table was part of my baby massage classes - decisions made to return to Australia - more tears lots of tears.
Now the table has an entire room in our small cottage (the apartment is larger then house) and aside from hosting the
requisite Sunday dinners, it is our craft table, drawing table - display table.
I nearly wept when my cousin from Leiden was over to visit us and sighed when he saw the table"how I have missed this table" he said "many a good meal was eaten around this table".
To my
surprise - Graham told me we need to protect the table - please
ing lets find something to protect it - from the scissors the glue and general kids stuff. Ah uh, I am on to it. Yesterday I put the plan in action.
I had previously got the kids to draw and
decorate over a large piece of calico. I then attempted to sew some PVC plastic (you know the stuff you buy by the metre as table cloths) over the top. The little engine that
couldn't, was my sewing machine and had to
abandon the project half way through.

It still adorns the table - and kind of seems fitting that it does - as this table has been witness
success and failure in the history of our family .

I think next time I would use double side
Velcro to attach the plastic to the cloth - or perhaps dispense with the cloth
altogether and move onto the next project