A lesson could be learnt from this little man - he really honours his body - tells me he would rather Karen medicine (our homoeopath) then chemicals. My three year old girl wants the panadol and to keep going on. Are we born with these patterns? I wonder about this, when I watch my daughter play the martyr, whilst my son is allowing and demanding to be cared for.
Below are my works in progress - that are constantly put on hold, for the needs of big and small people. I have requested to the god of common colds, for this to be our last for the season - hope our prayers are answered.
So I have started my first ever quilt - I took lessons at the studios of the ever wonderful prints charming - those girls have amazing fabrics. Our teacher is a wonderful seamstress by the name of Beverly, what this woman can not do with a needle and thread it just probably not worth knowing - I am trying soak up everything she teaches us for it is vast and great.
Our little Friday morning group is marching on, as we can not bare to part from Beverly's tutelage. I have thoroughly enjoyed this time - whilst the quilt is far from perfect - I like the combination of hand and machine quilting and it keeps me warm. Quilting it could well reduce our energy bills this year.
Below are the beginnings of panels for a tote that I am making for my most excellent friend JO - in Leiden. I miss her every day and despite the distance our friendship endures and ages like a fine red wine - I will be pulling out all the stops for this project and am even making a matching sunglasses case and coin purse.