My dear mother worked - and thus was not around to provide or ferry us to play dates. This was not by choice and I always vowed that I would be around to allow my kids to have and host play dates.
I am so fortunate to have two day a week job - I have the ability to function in the so called real world, I work for two great women. Refreshed, I spend the rest of the week with my loves.
Thursday is play date day.
Cameron has developed a really lovely group of friends - in particular there is this awesome foursome - we all live close by and this foursome comprises of two boys and two girls - nice an balanced.
To make the latest play date more exciting, I made capes inspired from the ever wonderful stitched in time. I made the capes out of calico then appliquéd their initial to each one. When I collected the awesome foursome - I had them spread out over the floor ready for the kiddo's to decorate with fabric pens.
The capes were worn the entire afternoon and through many games of simon said. Great gender neutral activity!