Friday, August 28, 2009

A just because present

Are they not the best kind? I think so!!!!!!!!!! I made this stash of goodies and purchased this book for a very special young lady who has just started eating solids. Her mother and father are the godparents to our Cameron. If we had loads of cash and time - I would send a just because present to them every other week because:
  • They were the first friendship we made in the Netherlands independent of family or friends
  • We lived on top of one an other and heard each others laughter through the floor boards
  • We had great parties together.
  • They fell in love with Cameron immediately
  • Amanda taught Cameron the ice trick
  • They visited me every day when I was hospitalised for Anneke (it was a darn long time)
  • Amanda listen patiently to me when I was scared in hospital
  • Amanda threw the best ever hens night
  • Ton threw the best ever bucks night
  • Ton cried at our wedding
  • They just ROCK.
The Felt picture was made using this awesome tutorial - everything else I just winged. I am holding out for a cheap - green - quick - alternative to travelling to the other side of the planet. We just have to wait till next year - till we can meet this precious girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The teachings of Mrs Glynn

I made this dress following directions from a Nani Iro's pattern book (ISBN978-4-579-11183-1). I also splurged horribly and bought some of their divine fabric.

So upon embarking back into the world of sewing I took lessons from the amazing wonderful Beverley at Print Charming. However, my sewing teacher from my first year of high school is probably still one of the biggest influences upon me and my machine.

Okay I learnt the fundamentals from my mother and Oma - but it was Mrs Glynn that taught me perfection. Let me add I am hopeless at perfection - but damned if that woman did not try her hardest with me. " Ingrid tack everything - no pins it is lazy and reckless" "Ingrid make a draft copy in muslin" "Ingrid have you measured that hem before tacking it?" "Ingrid you really could be quite talented if you were more disciplined"

Well there you have it, I am not disciplined and so really not very talented - but I am okay with that!

The point of the story is, upon cutting into this amazing fabric it appears the ghost of Mrs Glynn entered me - I did indeed make a muslin copy - I measured my hem - but I am afraid Mrs Glynn I did not and will probably never ever tack again - and I am okay with that, cause really I have never aspired to perfection. Further more I am thrilled with the outcome and have all the amazing women who have taught me to sew, trace, interpret patterns etc to thank.

Mrs Glynn it appears you have the last word, as indeed your instruction has stayed with me and served me well - so the biggest thank you, is to you, this afternoon of yet an other completed project!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

WE HAVE BEEN........................

The past few weeks we have been

Receiving school awards for safety

playing with tea sets

Making grumpy trips to the art gallery

And making a quilt for Mamma and Dadda's bed

all out of a jelly roll of Japanese Fabric - I bought at a craft fair.

Pride of place on our bed - I think I will need to make matching pillow cases!

Done and Done- off to tackle an other project

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

oh hail the mighty cupcake

For special events at work - I provide the catering . My speciality at the moment is cupcakes. For the latest function at my wonderbah work spectacular - I whipped up dark chocolate cakes with a pear puree shot in the centre - dressed with a vanilla bean butter cream icing. I had a some great advice from a friend and was well pleased with the results, more importantly our customers just loved them.

The recipe was inspired by this wonderful woman I did however change a few things. I tend to always use buttermilk when baking , I also as a rule add a pinch of cinnamon when using chocolate (I love the back notes of cinnamon so rich and earthy).

The result is - I have two more functions this month that require me to don the bakers hat and really it is such a pleasure - I can see them improving with every new batch.

Prue - I promise you can taste test the next batch!