Are they not the best kind? I think so!!!!!!!!!! I made this stash of goodies and purchased this book for a very special young lady who has just started eating solids. Her mother and father are the godparents to our Cameron. If we had loads of cash and time - I would send a just because present to them every other week because:
- They were the first friendship we made in the Netherlands independent of family or friends
- We lived on top of one an other and heard each others laughter through the floor boards
- We had great parties together.
- They fell in love with Cameron immediately
- Amanda taught Cameron the ice trick
- They visited me every day when I was hospitalised for Anneke (it was a darn long time)
- Amanda listen patiently to me when I was scared in hospital
- Amanda threw the best ever hens night
- Ton threw the best ever bucks night
- Ton cried at our wedding
- They just ROCK.