Wednesday, November 10, 2010

10. Make Your Own Path

When we returned from the Netherlands we left a goegeous 500 year old warehouse with no garden not even a balcony - to reside in the very last suburb of the inner west in a small cottage with a rather large sized garden.

Paths had been forged into the landscape of this garden but further work was needed. Have you every tried to build a stone path on your own it is very bloody difficult. Expertise is required wisdom of how to lay the initial foundation - materials needed - the list goes on.

Thankfully when my mother and her husband my wonderful stepfather visit number one on their agenda is to help us.  Their first visit was 6 weeks after we had moved in and my dear stepfather built and restored the garden paths in this house.  He taught us maintenance and care and when they left the garden and its paths were in great shape.
Every visit they make is heralded with a new project - and with the help of family and friends we have managed to create and maintain a delightful cottage - Sure there is a long way to go  - but what I now know is you need help and tutelage to build the paths in your life.

Below are an Opa and his grandson building paths together.


  1. Dear Ing this is 'literally' creating a path and getting it out there!

    It's a fantastic post, I love the wisdom in remembering that we need 'help and tutelage' to create our paths.

    x Felicity

    PS The photo of Opa with the barrow is terrific, he could be your image for this week's 'Word of the Week' - hirsute!

    x F

  2. And never forget that my kids love running up and down your garden paths...and I bet you could lead G up the garden path if you wanted *snigger*
