Tuesday, November 9, 2010

9. Carve A Niche Get It Out There

I Have tried the following professions

Optical Dispenser
Band Manager
A&R rock talent person
State politics 
Venue management 

The list kind of goes on but lets end it there for the sake of my embarrassment.

Basically professionally I am a sales person whether  I am selling rock bands advertising or essential oils I am kinda good at helping guide people to a decision.

I have taken numerous art classes and really I drop things or they drop me. 

However, I seem to be okay at motherhood - Do not ask my children that today - last night I was mean mean mean Mummy at bed time.  I am told I am a very loyal friend.  So is my niche people - perhaps I should have done nursing (which I got into) all those years ago when I first finished school - rather then thinking I wanted to enter a world of high end economics.  Really a very silly decision - you see I did not get into law like I wanted (a reasoning that I am still flummoxed by to this day). So I took a gap year ended up studying Optical Dispensing  cause I was working for an Optician and they encouraged me to do so and Voila no career niche or path.

No point crying over spilt milk I am currently trying to develop my crafting skills and  along with an other woman we a developing sewing  and crafting classes from children to adults (MORE ON THAT LATER).

So my niche has never been carved out and it is a constant journey for me - As I get older I do regret some of my decisions - However I am sooooooooooo lucky and blessed with my family and even when I am a mean Mummy or nagging wife I know would never leave them for a career in high end economics - but a weekend away every now and then.................... 

Examples of my latest niche lets hope this one takes cause I kinda of really like this one!


  1. And Ing, its better to be a good mother and have well rounded happy kids than it would ever be to be a highflyer in the corporate world. We dont call them banker wankers for nothing!

    I like the niche you are carving :-)

  2. Another fantastic post Ing.

    Man, you really have lived a varied life I am impressed!
    You definitely have wonderful people smarts [btw being able to dispense 'tough love' at bedtime is a great indicator of this!]

    Your new crafty niche is very impressive and I think that your creativity overlaid with interpersonal skills are a terrific combination.

    Big hugs,

