Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 11 Lessons from the past to guide the 'now'...

Dear Felicity I am not sure if this is the topic of the day - but I like it better then the one in the column.

Apparently -funding for History in Universities is the lowest it has ever been and the popularity of modern and ancient History is at a all time low.

Many moons ago, way back in the early 90's I saw Henry Rollins numerous times do his spoken word thang - I had the good fortunate to witness a press call after one of these performances - They were talking about prejudiced, racist and intolerant people.  He basically advocated that complete intolerance to racist, prejudiced people - is what needs to occur in order for society to evolve. He was aiming this at people who have a particular problem with Gay rights -  and he was - lets just say a little more eloquent then I.

I kinda of really agree with him - the recent election had me in tears regarding the boat people and saw me posting quite proudly left wing sentiments on my face book page urging people to consider the past and guide us now. No one seemed to actually tell the public that in fact it is not illegal to be a refugee and that we signed a world treaty in the 1950's allowing safe passage and refuge for Asylum seekers. Lets not forget to mention women's health, gay marriage etc etc

We are too busy looking forward that no one wants to study or consider the past the lessons learnt or gained form those who have been where we have been. I have married into a family of historians and writers (I never let them read my stuff they are far too clever and grammatically correct) - they are considered measured people - something the study of history has given them I am sure.

It was not that long ago that a degree in History was considered a necessity to enter politics- Why are we so keen to move forward with out looking at the mistakes of the past COME BACK HISTORY we miss you ....

Post script - I did not mean to out myself as a boho champagne socialist - but there you have it I'm out

POST post script Felicity I just re read your wonderful post you did indeed 'Define what success looks like for you and then go after it.'  And you are so  correct peace is what is important and a great measure of success so have decided to leave this post in support of yours - as this post was influenced by you and need to strive for Peace.


  1. The humanities is a passion area of mine and took up the Lion's share of my subject selections at high school.
    Both ancient and modern history were favourites and I then went on to take electives in sociology and modern asian history as part of my teaching degree at Uni.

    Somehow I've lost a bit of the spark that these subjects had engendered and have contented myself with reading Biographies and autobiographies for a more personal insight into modern history.

    My partner has shelves and shelves of these books too and as I turn around [I'm writing in his office today] I see not only LOTS of sporting icons on spines but titles such as 'Fromelles', 'Gallipoli', 'Tobruk', 'Kokoda' looking out at me.

    I hope that we can keep history fresh for us and the generations to come because it would be nice to think that we won't have to keep learning the lessons of peace and forgiveness the hard way over and over again.

    Felicity x

    PS Thank you for the beautiful comment that you left on my blog today, what an amazing memory to have to draw upon today.

  2. I loved your post Ing - and I am so with you on what you say. Without remembering the horrors of the past we have no way of moving into the future with consideration for others.

    And I like the Boho chamgpagne socialist label! It's terrific
